Article 11, Coordinated preparedness testing of entities
1. For the purpose of supporting the coordinated preparedness testing of entities referred to in Article 10(1), point (a), across the Union, the Commission, after consulting the NIS Cooperation Group and ENISA, shall identify the sectors, or sub-sectors, concerned, from the Sectors of High Criticality listed in Annex I to Directive (EU) 2022/2555 from which entities may be subject to the coordinated preparedness testing, taking into account existing and planned coordinated risk assessments and resilience testing at Union level.
2. The NIS Cooperation Group in cooperation with the Commission, ENISA, and the High Representative, shall develop common risk scenarios and methodologies for the coordinated testing exercises.
Note: This is the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents of 18.4.2023 (proposal for the EU Cyber Solidarity Act). This is NOT the final text of the EU Cyber Solidarity Act.