The text of the Cyber Solidarity Act (Proposal, 18.4.2023)

Article 5, Cross-border Security Operations Centres

1. A Hosting Consortium consisting of at least three Member States, represented by National SOCs, committed to working together to coordinate their cyber-detection and threat monitoring activities shall be eligible to participate in actions to establish a Cross-border SOC.

2. Following a call for expression of interest, a Hosting Consortium shall be selected by the ECCC to participate in a joint procurement of tools and infrastructures with the ECCC. The ECCC may award to the Hosting Consortium a grant to fund the operation of the tools and infrastructures. The Union financial contribution shall cover up to 75% of the acquisition costs of the tools and infrastructures, and up to 50% of the operation costs, with the remaining costs to be covered by the Hosting Consortium. Before launching the procedure for the acquisition of the tools and infrastructures, the ECCC and the Hosting Consortium shall conclude a hosting and usage agreement regulating the usage of the tools and infrastructures.

3. Members of the Hosting Consortium shall conclude a written consortium agreement which sets out their internal arrangements for implementing the hosting and usage Agreement.

4. A Cross-border SOC shall be represented for legal purposes by a National SOC acting as coordinating SOC, or by the Hosing Consortium if it has legal personality. The co-ordinating SOC shall be responsible for compliance with the requirements of the hosting and usage agreement and of this Regulation.

Note: This is the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents of 18.4.2023 (proposal for the EU Cyber Solidarity Act). This is NOT the final text of the EU Cyber Solidarity Act.