Article 7, Cooperation and information sharing with Union entities
1. Where the Cross-border SOCs obtain information relating to a potential or ongoing large-scale cybersecurity incident, they shall provide relevant information to EU=CyCLONe, the CSIRTs network and the Commission, in view of their respective crisis management roles in accordance with Directive (EU) 2022/2555 without undue delay.
2. The Commission may, by means of implementing acts, determine the procedural arrangements for the information sharing provided for in paragraphs 1. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 21(2) of this Regulation.
Note: This is the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents of 18.4.2023 (proposal for the EU Cyber Solidarity Act). This is NOT the final text of the EU Cyber Solidarity Act.